
Velvet Whip: Brunilda Dame


In the pack: Mesh Dress (4 sizes), Undershirt (Pearl/Grey or Rose – shirt layer), Skirt Glitch Pants (underpants layer), Cleavage Scarf (normal and Lolas sized), Double Scarf (normal and Lolas sized), Neck Scarf, Veil, Lolas Tango Applier for Top, Lolas Tango Applier for Top + Undesrhisrt (rose or grey), Golden Bracelets, Flat Shoes

Shape: Lois’s

Mesh Dress, Skirt Glitch Pants, Cleavage Scarf, Golden Bracelets, Flat Shoes: [V/W] Brunilda Dame Violet

Equiped Weapons:
Primus Eyvind Compound Bow 3.27 p4 <Mesh>
Primus Kopis Sword 3.52.1 [apex] <Mesh>
Primus Porimma Spear and Polearm 3.52 [apex] <Mesh>
Primus Sleipnir Blowgun 2.8 p4
Primus Kin’ai Claws 3.1 p4

if you want any other detail about the items I wear, send me a notecard inworld кєiяα (1234gysele1234) and I’ll be happy to reply you

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